Ensuring Safety and Health Security of Migrant Workers

 Title: 'Ensuring Safety and Health Security of Migrant Workers'

In response to the challenges faced by return interstate migrants in Kerala after the COVID-19 pandemic, Caritas India launched the 'Ensuring Safety and Health Security of Migrant Workers' program. The objective of this initiative is to address the healthcare disparities and vulnerabilities experienced by migrant populations and provide them with equitable access to healthcare services. As part of this comprehensive program, a medical camp was organized on 09th October 2022 in Kottiyam, serving 151 migrants and addressing their health concerns.

Background / Rationale for the Activity:
The project aims to reduce healthcare inequality among migrant communities and improve their access to medical care, irrespective of their socio-economic or migration status. The medical camp in Kottiyam was a vital step in reaching out to the interstate migrant population and offering them necessary medical services and health awareness.

Methods and Process:
The organization of the medical camp involved several crucial stages:

1. Field Visit and Need Assessment: A thorough assessment of the needs of interstate migrants in Kottiyam was conducted.

2. Community Involvement: Mr. Irshad Ali, a respected migrant leader in Kottiyam, collaborated with Caritas India to implement the medical camp, generously offering his camp as the venue.

3. Medical Team Arrangement: A competent and compassionate medical team was assembled, and the support of Holy Cross Hospital was sought to ensure the camp's success.

4. Budget Preparation and Approval: A budget proposal was submitted, covering the expenses of the medical team, medicine, refreshments, rent, and miscellaneous expenses.

Description of the Activity:
The medical camp was conducted through collaborative efforts of migrants and healthcare professionals. The migrants themselves helped with the arrangements under the supervision of Mr. Irshad Ali and the Project coordinator. The camp included health check-ups for 151 migrants and an awareness session conducted by Dr. Nithin. The session covered personal hygiene, general health maintenance, and dispelled misconceptions about COVID-19 and vaccinations, facilitated by local interpreters to ensure effective communication.

Key Learnings and Results:
The medical camp achieved significant outcomes:

1. Improved Access to Healthcare: The camp provided interstate migrants with much-needed access to healthcare services, overcoming barriers of cost and availability.

2. Health Awareness and Education: The awareness session empowered migrants with essential health information, dispelling misconceptions and promoting health literacy.

3. Community Building: The camp fostered a sense of community and solidarity among migrants, promoting mutual support and care.

4. Reducing Stigma and Discrimination: By addressing misconceptions and providing education, the camp helped reduce stigma associated with healthcare-seeking behavior.

5. Improving Mental Health: Access to healthcare and health education positively impacted migrants' mental well-being, alleviating worries and anxieties.

Way Forward:
Regular follow-up with the beneficiaries is essential to ensure sustained impact. Key aspects of the follow-up process include regular fieldwork, monitoring health recommendations, and continuing health education and awareness initiatives.

Witness Statements:
"I am incredibly grateful for the support and guidance provided in this camp, which has made a significant difference in how I approach my health. The medical team's friendly treatment and regular visits have left me overwhelmed with their kind gestures."
- Mr. Pariksit, West Bengal, Construction Worker

"The camp dispelled my fears about the COVID vaccine's impact on my body. I am incredibly grateful for the support and guidance provided here, which has made a significant difference in how I approach my health."
- Firoz Ali, Beneficiary from the Construction Sector

Both witnesses hail from West Bengal and benefited from the camp's services.
